What is involved in a standard Bio-Energy Healing treatment?

sivuch1233-120813-timo3There are two options in receiving a full course of treatment:

Option 1: One session each day for 4 consecutive days with a follow up session after one month.

Option 2: One session each week for 4 consecutive weeks with a follow up session after one month.

(Each session lasts between 45 minutes to 1 hour)

A Bio-Energy treatment is a safe and non-invasive experience, with minimal touch. The client remains fully clothed with the exception of their shoes and any metal objects. The treatment is part standing and part sitting depending on the stage of the session and the techniques being carried out. Throughout the session, there may be sensations of heat, cold, tingling and swaying. Some may feel more sensations than others.

Depending on the ailment or focus throughout the course of treatment, some will feel improvement right away, or start to feel worse before feeling better. Feeling worse is due to the body’s need to detox years of energy build up.


Why is a full course of treatment recommended?





As the blocked energy gets removed throughout a session, it brings older blockages to the surface. The 4 consecutive treatments allow the opportunity for older suppressed blockages to be brought to the surface and cleared from the bio-field. It takes about 4 consecutive sessions to achieve significant results.

For more severe ailments, or prolonged chronic injuries, that have lasted years, a second course of treatments may also be recommended to maximize results.





There is also often a delay in improvement where blocked energy, although beginning to finally clear out, takes time to flush through the system. The follow up session, after one month, provides the body the time it needs to heal and see results.






The healing process can continue on upwards several months after a series of sessions. Enjoy the benefits of Bio-Energy healing long after the treatments, as you watch yourself reach a superior level of health and wellbeing!

Experience the energy and benefits for yourself! Book your sessions now!